TT Tecnosistemi supports the integration of ethics with business strategy. We recognise that there can be no real economic development without a commitment to the well-being of our staff and the community.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility finds expression not only in the budget for sustainability we have drafted but also in promoting green initiatives and social activities.
In recent years, we have contributed to the support of numerous projects, from improving the company's welfare with a handbook containing advice for a sustainable office and energy-saving policies, fundraising initiatives to support Dynamo Camp's technology projects or daily activities of the women's anti-violence centre of the association "La Nara".
In our approach to clients, we are also constantly looking to include Sustainable Partners by selecting eco-friendly products and offering solutions for reduced environmental impact or compensation programmes, so companies need not compromise on the technology they need to ensure system efficiency and attention to the world we live in.
Greenpeace's annual report highlights what are the most "green" technologies in the market, while these are Environmental Policies of the major partners we work with.


Our Brands

Business Applications

Next Generation Infrastructure

Managed Services



TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB - Azienda Certificata ISO 9001, 14001 e 27001

Via Rimini 5 - 59100 Prato - Italy - T +39 057444741 - F +39 0574440645
Share Capital €165.000 i.v - Prato Court, VAT Number 00305120974 - REA Prato 365805
Company Management and Coordination by Digital Value S.p.A.