At TT Tecnosistemi we work with passion, humility and concreteness to integrate sustainability into our business model, with a sense of urgency imposed by the current challenges. For 40 years, we have been committed to people, communities and the environment.

For this reason, in 2021 we became a "Benefit Company", a legal form that formally commits us to generate and report every year the positive impact for all stakeholders, not only shareholders. To make this transformation operational, we are rethinking and revamping our internal processes to integrate sustainability principles into our business practices, For example, we are trying to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda with our technological solutions. It is a path that requires significant changes in the way we work and that permeates our organization and the value chain with which we collaborate. Only with the contribution of all can we turn our ambitions into reality, year after year. In 2023, we continued to work on improving ESG components and are therefore proud to present our Sustainability Report , written voluntary, which is a testament to our commitment to a more sustainable world.

We are optimistic about the future and excited about the opportunities ahead. From June 2024, the complete integration of TT Tecnosistemi in the Gruppo Digital Value provides us with an even stronger framework to continue our journey towards increasingly ambitious goals."

Riccardo Gabriele Bruschi – CEO TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB

Read the highlights of the Sustainability Report



In 2021, the adoption of the status of Benefit Corporation " (regulated by law 28/12/2015 n. 208, commi 376-384) was a step taken by TT Tecnosistemi to formalise its commitment to operate as a stakeholder company, based on a sustainable development model .

The evolution of the Articles of Association, with the inclusion in the corporate object of common benefit objectives that the Company intends to pursue in order to create shared value and have a positive impact on society and the environment , represents the first step of our concrete commitment to sustainability and the will to protect and align our social mission.


The path of TT Tecnosistemi aimed at offering companies an eco-friendly printing solution started in 2016. Since then, for each new printing project started, TT Tecnosistemi calculates the environmental impact, as well as the economic impact, of the work plan itself.

Thanks to the partnership con Printreleaf Exchange, an algorithm has been patented whereby every 8,333 printed pages is replaced by a tree, so as to compensate for the paper used and the CO2 emissions related to the printing process.

To confirm everything, the companies that adhere to PrintReleaf, as TT Tecnosistemi also adheres, is issued an SGS certificate attributable to sustainability budget credit and environmental certifications.



  • TT| Forest

TT Tecnosistemi has created the TT| Forest, planting 200 trees worldwide, in collaboration with Treedom.

The TT Tecnosistemi forest is part of a sustainable business path that the company is pursuing as a Benefit Company, with the aim of strengthening the corporate culture and raising awareness among the community of stakeholders towards a more conscious and respectful approach to the resources of the planet.






Discover B[E] BETTER, a video training series dedicated to sustainability!

TT Tecnosistemi has set itself the mission of strengthening the corporate culture and raising awareness among the community of stakeholders towards a more conscious and respectful approach to the resources of the planet.

B[E] BETTER is a path of improvement of 6 videotraining with contents and modalities accessible to all: The Good Environmental Practices, Code of Ethics, GDPR, ISO 14001, Sustainable Development Goals, Computer Security.

Click on the thumbnail to view the course and answer the test questions!



Art Bonus - Support for cultural heritage

Cultural heritage is a central value for TT Tecnosistemi, which confirms its commitment with a donation to theCentro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci in Prato.
Being a supporter of the cultural program of the Pecci 2024 Center underlines the importance that the company attaches to the support of cultural institutions and to strengthening the link between technology and art.
The Pecci Centre is the first Italian institution designed from scratch with the aim of presenting, collecting, documenting and supporting artistic research in visual and performance arts, cinema, music, architecture, design, fashion and literature.
Since the opening in 1988 we have produced and hosted more than 250 exhibitions and projects, organized special events and promoted educational initiatives for students and adults. We have also collected in our collection over a thousand works that map the artistic trends from the sixties onwards. The complex that houses us, designed by the rationalist architect Italo Gamberini and expanded in 2016 by Maurice Nio, is a city in the city: inside there are 3,000 square meters of exhibition rooms, an archive, the 60,000 volumes of the specialized library CID/ Visual Arts, the auditorium-cinema, a bookshop, a restaurant, a bistro and an open-air theatre.



The TT Tecnosistemi supports the integration of ethics and business strategy. It recognizes that there can be no real economic development without a commitment to the well-being of its staff and community.

Our corporate social responsibility is expressed not only in the sustainability report we have drawn up, but also in the promotion of green initiatives and social activities.

In recent years we have contributed to the support of numerous projects, from improving corporate welfare with a vademecum of advice for a sustainable office and policies to reduce energy consumption, fund raising initiatives to support the technological projects of Dynamo Camp or the daily activities of the anti-violence center on women of the Association "La Nara".

Also in our approach to customers, we constantly try to be among the Sustainable Partners by selecting eco-friendly products and proposing solutions for a lower environmental impact or compensation programs, so that companies do not have to compromise between the technology they need to ensure the efficiency of their systems and the attention to the world in which we live.



Business Applications

Next Generation Infrastructure

Managed Services



TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB - Azienda Certificata ISO 9001, 14001 e 27001

Via Rimini 5 - 59100 Prato - Italy - T +39 057444741 - F +39 0574440645
Share Capital €165.000 i.v - Prato Court, VAT Number 00305120974 - REA Prato 365805
Company Management and Coordination by Digital Value S.p.A.