Digital School: business meets schools, thanks to the project SeT (School and Territory)



The SeT (School and Territory) project is the result of an agreement between the Regional Schooling Office - MIUR and Unindustria Bologna, launched in 2015 and targeting the early secondary school, putting the pupils on the path of creativity, discovery and self-learning, educating them to make a creative use of some of the knowledge acquired at school.

We spoke about the project with Nereo Tosatto, Head of Education and Training at Unindustria Bologna.

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What is the SeT project of Unindustria Bologna?

The SeT project, School and Territory, is a proposal that integrates ordinary school time with afternoon activities based on the learning of skills and focused on using new technologies to support learning, all within classrooms having innovative equipment and technologies.

The goal of the project is to develop the soft skills of the youths: working in groups, improving relational skills, developing problem solving skills, and improving their ability to manage time.


What were the benefits of choosing Acer technology to support teaching?

The technology is balanced and suited to schooling, whilst its simplicity offers teachers the ability to structure interactive and engaging lessons. It lets students work and learn with a versatile and innovative tool. Thanks to its 2-in-1 structure, you can use the device in both notebook and tablet format, depending on the activity that needs to be done.

The Acer Classroom Manager software is a very useful tool in lesson creation. It can easily and consistently monitor the work of the students and provides faculty with a tool for sharing files, which allows the teachers to send the entire class a document (or series of documents) that students can work with, saving time and paper.

Ultimately, it is perfect for teachers who want to modernise their teaching.


What were the benefits of choosing TT Tecnosistemi as a partner for this technological overhaul?

The benefits were many, right from the pre-sale phase in which we were supported in selecting a suitable solution. And all the way through to the post-sales phase, where many training hours were provided to the teaching staff of the institutes involved, in order to obtain theskills for using the new tools in the classrooms.

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The SeT project in numbers

6 comprehensive institutions

5 industrial technological institutions

2,000 pupils involved

5,000 hours of teaching activity in secondary schools


The schools involved:


First level secondary schools

I.C. Calderara di Reno

I.C. San Lazzaro di Savena

I.C. San Giorgio di Piano

I.C. Rastignano

I.C. Budrio

I.C. 11 di Bologna


Higher education institutions

I.T.I. Aldini Valeriani Sirani

I.T.I. Belluzzi Fioravanti

I.T.I. Francesco Alberghetti

I.T.I. Giordano Bruno

I.T.I. Montessori Da Vinci